Monday, 4 January 2010

10 Ways to Keep Your Cat Off the Kitchen Counter

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Trying to keep your cat off the kitchen counter can be very difficult. However it should be done, not only for hygiene reasons, but also as a way to set boundaries for your cat. So if you are facing this problem here are 10 ways to keep your cat off the kitchen counter.

1. Aluminum foil

Cats hate walking on aluminum foil and will avoid it. A few strategic places of this stuff laid on your counter when not in use will deter most cats.

2. Electronic Alarm

A few pet companies sell motion activated alarms that are designed to keep pets away from certain areas. One of these on your counter will work too.

3. Studded Plastic Mat

Some plastic mats designed to be laid on the floor have a studded plastic back. If you lay one of these on your counter upside down, cat will not want to walk on the plastic studs.

4. Use Empty Pop Cans

String together a few pop cans. Then rig it that they will fall down to the ground and make a loud sound if your cat tries to jump up on the kitchen counter.

5. Squirt Bottle

If you are around you could always squirt your cat with a squirt bottle. Cats hate to get wet, and they will often back down with just the threat of getting wet.

6. Raise Your Voice

Raising your voice when you see them on the kitchen counter works too to scare them down. They need to know this is a place they are not allowed.

7. Remove Food from Countertops

Remove any reason why your cats would want to be on top of the counter.

8. Cover Lower Half of Window

Some cats jump up on the counters because their is a window to look out of. If this is your case, cover the lower half of the window.

9. Provided a Higher Perch

Cats love to be up high. If you provide a perch that is higher then the counter, they might just prefer to use that instead.

10. Lock Them Out Of the Kitchen

If nothing else works, it might be best just to lock them out of the kitchen if you can't be around to monitor them.

Cat Behavior Solutions: Whatever the cause of your cat's bad behavior, the important thing is to correct it quickly. To learn how to do this correctly, visit: Solutions to Cat Behavior Problems!

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